
ON1 Photo RAW 2020 Beta

ON1 Photo RAW 2020

ON1 Photo RAW 2020 включает в себя ключевые обновления для быстрого недеструктивного механизма обработки снимков в формате RAW. Теперь у фотографов появился инструмент с быстрым управлением фотографиями, точная обработка фотографий, сотни настраиваемых фотоэффектов, удобная и красивая склейка HDR, панорамы, маскировка и корректировки смешивания, работа со слоями и многое другое – и всё это в одном приложении.

Почти каждая функция и большинство улучшений, внесенных в приложение в версии 2020, являются прямым результатом участия сообщества в проекте ON1 Photo RAW, команда разработчиков и далее собирается продолжать подобный вид сотрудничества. Такая работа позволила создать ON1 Photo RAW как приложение, разработанное фотографами для фотографов.
ON1 Photo RAW 2020 Beta

Ключевые особенности редактора ON1 Photo RAW 2020:

  • ON1 HDR – создавайте потрясающие HDR-фотографии. Программа способна проанализировать и обработать всю информацию и серии, снятой с брекетингом (результаты тестов показывают, что программа это делает в семь раз быстрее, недели другие приложения HDR). Уникальные алгоритмы выравнивают фотографии и удаляют ореолы из-за движения объектов между экспозициями. Программа обеспечивает полное недеструктивное редактирование с естественными результатами, кроме того есть возможность создавать поистине сюрреалистические картины.
  • Pano Stitching – объедините несколько фотографий в одну панорамную или матричную фотографию. Программа автоматически выравнивает фотографии, даже если они не были сняты со штатива, и легко смешивает их. Также доступна возможность встроить панорамные метаданные для панорамирования в сети Facebook.
  • Global Mask Editing Tools – инструменты редактирования масок, к ним относятся новые слайдеры Fensity и Feather, позволяющие изменять плотность или непрозрачность масок, а также размытия маски для смягчения эффекта наложения.
  • Luminosity Mask Updates – отрегулируйте уровни маски для увеличения контрастности или яркости, а также установите тональную область, чтобы влиять только на определенную зону. Эти обновления позволяют пользователям ориентироваться только на нужную область на основе фотографии.
  • Color Range Masks – создание маски из выбранного диапазона цветов.
  • Blur and Chisel Mask Tools – в ON1 Effects теперь включены инструменты маски Blur и Chisel. Инструмент размытия Blur идеально подходит для смягчения или размытия маски выборочно. Инструмент Chisel («Долото») позволяет пользователю выборочно нажимать или тянуть край, чтобы удалить ореолы. Все эти новые варианты маскировки являются повторно редактируемыми и неразрушающими.
  • Versions – версии – это виртуальные копии одной и той же фотографии. Каждая созданная версия может включать в себя неразрушающие настройки, включая обрезку, ретуширование и корректировки. Версии работают так же, как и любая другая фотография, не занимая больше места на компьютере
  • Updated UI — свободный современный интерфейс, где фотография находится в центре внимания. Пользовательские фильтры имен и слои упрощают работу, также можно выбрать свой собственный цвет пользовательского интерфейса
  • Paint with Color Brush — рисование выбранным цветом может идеально подойти для сглаживания кожи и создания слоев аннотации, или можно работать только над самим цветом, оставляя без изменений основную светимость, чтобы изменить цвет таких объектов как глаза
  • Selectively Add or Remove Noise — убирайте шум в таких областях как небо, или добавляйте шум для создания художественного эффекта.
  • ON1 Photo for Mobile — лучшие снимки всегда с собой с помощью бесплатного приложения ON1 для мобильных устройств. Это отличный способ поделиться своим портфолио. Инструмент также позволяет синхронизировать новые фотографии, сделанные на телефонах, обратно на рабочий компьютер, чтобы эти фотографии были готовы к редактированию
  • Additional Camera & Lens Support — добавлена поддержка камер Nikon D850, Olympus EM-10 III и Panasonic DMC-G85, а также множества новых объективов.

ON1 Photo RAW 2020 позволяет фотографам просматривать и каталогизировать свои фотографии с самого начала их рабочего процесса – это один из самых быстрых способов управления фотографиями. Быстрый браузер фотографий идеально подходит для оперативного просмотра и ранжирования фотографий без необходимости утомительного процесса импорта. Как только фото ранжированы и отбракованы, следующим шагом можно запросто каталогизировать эти фотографии, как это делается в большинстве других редакторов.

В приложении реализован принцип недеструктивной обработки фотографий, это касается основных функций, таких как экспозиция, контрастность, цвет, тени, блики, коррекция объектива и инструменты преобразования. Также предлагаются сотни уникальных фотоэффектов, которые идеально подходят для завершения обработки фотографий. Фотографы с помощью маскирующих кистей, градиентных масок и локальных настроек смогут полностью контролировать применение эффектов. Каждый эффект также полностью настраивается, и можно сохранить любую обработку как пользовательский пресет.

Многие технологии редактирования, такие как, например, варианты смешивания в реальном времени, могут применяются к смарт-слоям, смарт-фотографиям и различным маскам, что делает ON1 Photo RAW 2018 продвинутым растровым редактором без необходимости запуска стороннего приложения. Возможность комбинировать фотографии вместе со слоями, масками и выборочно применять фильтры и эффекты для файлов RAW дает пользователям большое преимущество.

Редактор ON1 Photo RAW 2020 предназначен не только для RAW файлов, поддерживаются форматы файлов: JPEG, TIF, PSD, PSB, PNG и DNG при обработке которых можно использовать всю мощь и обилие инструментов редактирования в приложении. ON1 Photo RAW можно также без проблем внедрить в текущие рабочие процессы – приложение интегрируется как плагин для Adobe® Lightroom® и Photoshop®, наряду с тем, что может выступать в виде полного автономного редактора фотографий. Также интегрируется с основными облачными сервисами, позволяющими загружать, управлять и редактировать фотографии на нескольких компьютерах. Это также позволяет пользователям синхронизировать фотографии и их изменения на нескольких компьютерах или в студии.

ON1 Photo RAW 2020 Beta
Что нового в версии 2020

Welcome to first release
-Print module — Whether you need to print contact sheets, a wall portrait or tile multiple photos into package prints, the improved print dialog is up to the task. You can easily print individual photos like before, but now you can also create contact sheets. You can also print multiple photos on one piece of paper to create packages like 2 5x7’s or 4 4x5’s. You can add watermarks and even output to files for sending your prints to the lab.

-Date Pane — Exploring your photos by date has never been easier. The new automatic timeline albums organize your photos by year, month and day. If you are looking for pictures of your daughter’s birthday you can easily zoom right to that date.

-Map View — View where your photos were taken on a map. Explore photo locations and add location metadata to photos that don’t have GPS metadata. You can even search by location address to find photos quickly, without having to add additional metadata.

-Improved Noise Reduction — The new state-of-art noise reduction algorithm can remove noise while maintaining detail, even with today’s ultra high-ISO cameras.
-AI Match — Love how a shot looks on the back of your camera, but feel disappointed it doesn’t look the same when you open it? The AI Match function solves that. Using our AI technology that we pioneered for migrating edits from Adobe Lightroom, we can now match your RAW photos look to what you saw on the back of the camera.

-AI Auto Tone — Everyone loves the one-click auto button in Photo RAW, and we have made it even better. By analyzing thousands of photos the algorithm has learned how to do an even better job, especially on the tough images. It’s like having an expert editor helping you. Now you can even control the amount of auto-tone you want to add.

-Improved Performance — We take performance seriously. With every update we dedicate time to making things faster. This time we focused on two areas, opening raw files into Edit and brushing with lower-end video cards. You will find both are faster and smoother in practice.

-Custom Camera Profiles — Now you can get predictable, natural color results by creating custom profiles for your camera and lights. We have partnered with X-Rite, the leader in color management to make this easy. Simply photograph an X-Rite target with your camera, then import it into ON1 Photo RAW, then send it to the X-Rite Camera Profiler software to build a custom camera profile that works inside of ON1 Photo RAW.

-Color Balance Filter — The powerful new Color Balance filter lets you remove a cross color cast from the shadows or highlights. It can also create unique duotone or tritone tints by adjusting the color and brightness of the highlights, midtones or shadows. Custom color grading couldn’t be easier.

-Weather Filter — With the new Weather filter in Effects, you can add rain, snow and fog to your photos to create realistic atmosphere.

-Channel Mixer Filter — The new Channel Mixer filter in Effects is a multi-purpose powerhouse. Use it for precise black and white conversions, channel swaps for infrared shots or shift entire color ranges like never before.

-Sun Flare Filter — It’s golden hour anytime with the new Sun Flare filter. You can add realistic sun flares, lens flares and bokeh to your afternoon shots. It’s powered by real photographs from renowned photographer and educator Matt Kloskowski.

-Revamped Preset Catalog & Extras — Photographers love the unique presets that come with ON1 Photo RAW. They make the perfect starting point for taking your photos to eleven. We have modernized the included preset catalog with over 100 new presets for today's looks. We have also added over 50 new backgrounds and skies for your masking pleasure.

-SmugMug Integration — Sharing your best work to the best sharing platform is now built right-into ON1 Photo RAW. Select photos and videos, then publish them to any of your SmugMug galleries. You can even create new galleries and control the size of the photos you upload.

-Focus Mask overlay — Now you can view what’s in-focus in our photos easily. The new Focus Mask overlay marks the areas of best focus with green so you can compare similar photos and pick out the sharpest photo quickly.

-Tons of other minor enhancements — Move the before/after splitter, fade presets right from the preset browser, Win install on other drive, UNC paths on Windows, Lossy Canon CR3 support, Visualize brushstrokes with red overlay.

-Language Support — ON1 Photo RAW is now localized into eleven languages, giving many more photographers access to the best darned photo editor out there. It now supports English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch.

-Added Support for New Cameras and Lenses — Canon Powershot G7X Mark II, Canon Powershot G5X Mark II, Canon 90D EOS M6 MK 2, Sony A7R IV, Sony RX100, Sony NEX-C3, Leica V-Lux 5

What’s Coming in the 2020 Release Cycle

-ON1 Sync (BETA) — ON1 Sync brings what you love about ON1 Photo RAW to all of your computers and mobile devices. It syncs the photos you care about, to the devices you care about. You don’t have to store your photos in the cloud, or on every computer, to view and edit them on all your devices. It can send your photos from one device to another wirelessly, like your phone photos back to your desktop. It even syncs all your albums and presets. ON1 Sync gives you the benefits of the cloud for less and keeps you in control of where your files live.

-Mobile Apps — Great photos are everywhere you look, and inspiration can come anytime. With ON1 Mobile you can capture those photos on your smartphone, in RAW, with the pro-level control you expect from your big camera. Next, you can edit those photos on your smartphone or tablet with the same power as you do in ON1 Photo RAW. Enhance the shadows, remove the distractions, burn down the sky, add a vignette, you name it. Your new RAW photo automatically is sent back to your computer of choice, with all of the non-destructive edits in-place. Your photos can go the other direction as well. You can view, edit and share photos from any of your computers on your mobile devices with ON1 Sync. ON1 Mobile brings all your photos together into the app you already use, ON1 Photo RAW.

-Improved Highlight Recovery — By analyzing thousands of photos from the top cameras we have been able to improve the highlight recovery range. You can now get back more of those subtle cloud and wedding dress details.

-Video app integration (Video playback and editing, time-lapse, stop-motion, slideshows, frame extraction), more…

Known Issues
-The amount/opacity sliders will be slow to update the image preview
-Settings menu in Browse/Edit/Resize are not translated
-Installer gives warning about multiple installs
-Installing program and program data to a different drive causes plugins to stop working as expected
-Focus peaking display changes when you zoom in Compare View
-Print preview goes blank (white) when you turn soft proof on or off
-Lens profile for Sony 50mm f/1.4 (SAL50F14) adds overly white vignette
-Loss of detail on Fuji .RAF files in 2020 vs 2019 (noise reduction)
-Print dialog does not darken behind it like other styled, modal dialogs.
-Default print area should be fit
-Sometimes multiple mode buttons are enabled and do not function
-Poor handling of Nikon Z7 raw files compared to other apps
-Focus not shifting back to image after copy/pasting keywords
-Effects masks on smart objects are lost when re-edited
-Check for update style sheet not compatible with Dark Mode
-Develop Tone & Color pane alignment is off in localized versions
-We are not defaulting to Pictures folder if the folder set in prefs/first run is not found
-Fit/100/50/25 appearing on Map View when returning from Edit
-Double-clicking on an .onp preset file does not import
-German Translations- Menus, Panes in browse
-Sometimes shadow-like artifacts appear in photos in Edit and Browse
-Rejecting "X" photos is skipping the next photo in view
-Resetting Sun Flare pane does not go back to defaults
-Map Leaflet link does not open in new browser window. Gets stuck in map view when clicked.
-Memory cache warning message always appears when starting app
-Sometimes dropdown controls in the toolbar immediately dismiss themselves
-Pano crashes when trying to merge 4 photos from iPhone 6s
-Performance degrades moving program between monitors
-Details styles misaligned in Tone & Color
-Import doesn't work on first launch on Mac
-Crash viewing onphoto
-Right Click in Lightroom > Edit In >plugins doesn't work
-Unable to switch between Browse/Preset tabs in Browse after returning from unedited new canvas in Edit
-Lens correction on Pentax K-1 .DNG file applies opposite correction
-Print area can be set to larger than the papers printable area
-Grouping raw+jpg no longer works without reentering folder
-App gets in a hung state if you launch Focus stacking prior to "edit"
-Hang viewing home folder in Browse
-Import Color Profile... menu option can be sticky
-Syncing settings with an empty portrait mask is causing crash
-Poor Local Adjustment brushing performance when Portrait adjustments are present/enabled
-Image thumbs not loading in Import
-Check All/Check None in Import don't work as expected
-Doing a search for location fails after setting the metadata
-No warnings when app is running when you uninstall.
-No warnings if Photoshop and/or Lightroom running when installing
-UAC prompt comes up during C++ redistributable installer
-Remove ON1 files does not remove the program entry from the uninstall a program control panel
-Preset browser is not updating with Local Adjustment masking
-Import not automatically selecting memory card when multiple card readers are attached
-Breadcrumb bar doesn't work when browsing a network share
-Import does not work on first launch of app
-Detail view is showing first photo in album after returning from Edit
-Pressure Adjusts Size option is not sticky for AI Quick Mask
-Deselecting images in FSV in Edit then returning to Browse reselects images
-Creating a copy during LR Migration does not work
-Arrowing through images in compare view gets stuck on an image when one loads into the main preview window
-Thumbnails of newly created .onphotos might not draw in until mouse over or selection
-Export presets can disappear on sub-4k displays
-German Translations- Sync Settings Module Tabs
-Deleting on dual display (thumbnail view) causes view to jump to top of browse location
-Mouse cursor must be hovering over the filmstrip in compare view to be able to arrow through images
-Fit view shows magenta around blown out areas in Browse
-Fade slider/darkening effect doesn't go away if mouse goes off the edge of preset while adjusting fade
-Text is too small
-Export results not matching original (no settings applied)
-Dynamic Contrast doesn't export correctly if Small slider is set to -100
-Press to Publish' option still available if you click cataloged folder progress wheel
-Wacom tablet does not work correctly with Windows Ink on
-Applying Resize preset then resetting crop triggers error tone when selecting another preset w/ no changes applied
-Effects standalone crashes when attempting to open up a file
-Unable to copy/paste vibrance slider setting on .jpeg if it's the only adjustment made
-App becomes unresponsive during “Erasing Object” progress bar after using Retouch/Perfect Eraser aggressively
-Migrating a gradient filter from Lr to Raw reverses the location
-Resize>Document Size: Units pulldowns not sticky
-Holding alt keyboard shortcut does not update preset browser thumbnails
-Import dialog can be off-screen on secondary display if main display is disconnected
-Gradient mask is not appearing on an inverted mask (Black)
-Flipping a layer after crop does not maintain crop position
-Resize Categories are appearing in the save preset dialog in EDIT
-The settings menu have items disabled that should be enabled
-Creating .onphoto with Nikon .NEF files adds noise to resulting .onphoto
-Copy/Paste/Apply Settings issue - Windows
-White lines appearing between Local Adjustment/Filter masks when Perfect Brush is used
-A plugin is in-use dialog comes up during migration the first time you launch the application
-Sunflare texture needs to auto-rotate for a vertical file
-Sometimes the edges of text are truncated if the bounding box is close to the text
-Dual display grid view is cutting cut off on the top
-Brush strokes on layered files go missing after upgrading
-Resize settings aren't sticky
-Application crashes when using files that have a text box
-Crash in Export with Tiling on when in NDE
-Quitting the app programmatically with App->quit() can cause a crash
-Preset browser flashes from browse to edit
-Long filter lists don't scroll when dragging.
-Showing incorrect dimensions on High Rez.ORF in Browse
-The first time a map is viewed, the preview area flashes white
-Lens correction is not being applied on export
-Document failed to load error launching PR plugin from Photos if image has been previously edited by another plugin
-Unable to select Layer after deleting a Filter
-Tethered Shooting with EOS RP stops working if you adjust any settings
-Smart Objects opened via plugin from Photoshop ignore the "Start with the Last Used Settings" Preference
-Photoshop warning that the document contains unknown data on Send To - Edit copy
-Crash when returning from Resize
-Nav view outline gets set incorrectly after closing/reopening the right pane in Edit
-Wrong style scrollbars in text boxes
-Map view menu entry available in Edit
-Auto opacity slider tool tip is incorrect
-Remove All script doesn't remove Photo RAW 2020 desktop shortcut
-Preset Browser is inconsistent in honoring photo transparency
-Tiling is exporting the wrong color on files with NDE settings
-Thumbnail for an onphoto appears as corrupt
-Remove all doesn't remove some of the 2019 components
-Incorrectly recognizing known lens on Panasonic DMC-G85
-Auto opacity slider value lit up when not selected/usable
-Filter description pop up does nothing when turned on
-Crash occurs when attempting to share a large png (~75MB) to SmugMug
-Browse/Edit button text is cut off in Film Strip and Compare view with certain windows resolution scaling
-Show Sub-Album Contents' option is missing when FSV is enabled
-Clicking the 2nd level of a nested keyword in Master List will cause the top-level keyword to disappear
-Resize categories and presets do not load in Lightroom export
-Lens correction for FZ1000 & compatibles not applying automatically
-Applying incorrect lens correction profile to Fuji GF23mm F4 R LM WR lens
-Not recognizing known lens (1 Nikkor VR 30-110m f/3.8-5.6)
-No non-ON1 camera profiles for Canon EOS RP
-No non-ON1 camera profiles for Canon PowerShot SX70-HS
-Unable to Import from SD card on Samsung S9
-No photo selected can appear in preset browser in edit
-A desktop shortcut is created when option is turned off
-Pano fails to merge all images on lower-end Intel hardware
-Folders pane not updated sometimes without a mouse move
-Running Lightroom migration a 2nd time (or more) creates duplicate albums
-Print preview/ Export preview show incorrect on a gallery wrap
-Compare View does not update selection when returning to browse
-Not maintaining panorama tag after export (phone pano)
-Incorrectly sorting newly added folders in Browse on Mac
-Zooming in on .HEIC file while it's still loading causes stuck preview (older hardware)
-Reading incorrect colorspace on Z6 compressed .NEF files
-Leica files have over blown exposure settings when migrated from Lightroom
-Reading incorrect dimensions on Panasonic DMC-LX5 .RW2 files
-Sony A7RIII files appear over saturated in Photo RAW vs. other applications
-The 2020 remove all script does not remove the start menu shortcut
-The show/hide tip does not always show up when you mouse over a pane
-In the Tethered shooting configuration window the Time adjustment still says Adjustment Type
-The sign-in dialog should have graphic for sign-in removed
-Going to the last page of First Run content then going back to a previous page and clicking Next will close the window.
-Browse shows the wrong dimensions for dng files that came with variable sized raw files
-Pull-down menu does not draw in correctly
-Crop not behaving correctly on Pano images
-Compare view can have more than 15 images in secondary display window
-Keyboard shortcut 'D' produces system 'boink' sound opening from GV to Edit
-Incorrectly recognizing known Nikon lens (AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.8G)
-Albums pane rolled up/rolled down state isn't sticky
-Alt+Tab while masking switches brush modes
-New stamped layer with masking shifts from the source files
-Sometimes selection in LUT dropdown shows incorrect LUT selected
-Crop gets stuck and can't be adjusted out sometimes
-Deleting multiple images in Edit w/ FSV causes return to Browse
-Not finding a lens for the sony RX100M6
-Error "A source needs to be chosen" when you export from Resize when launched from LR
-Selecting resize Preset while crop is active doesn't add the preset
-Adding a gallery wrap preset when launching from PS is not adding the wrap
-Reset All doesn't work if video file is part of the selection in Browse
-Returning to browse after deleting a new canvas results in the browse/preset pane disabled
-Tamron 100-400mm lens not appearing in Filter options
-Check bubbles are cut off for Pressure Adjusts and Perfect Brush settings with Windows scaling set to "250% recommended" on 4k a display
-Incorrect lens correction profile applied to .NEF (AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR)
-Lens correction: Tamron 24-70 detected as a Sigma 24-70.
-Lens correction getting ignored in HDR on fixed lens cameras
-Pano images have lost sharpening in 2019.5 compared to 2019.2
-Dual mode does not remember the number of columns in grid view
-Nested keyword hierarchy doesn't expand automatically when dragging another keyword over/into it
-Duplicate keywords can be added by creating a new keyword that is the same as a nested child keyword but with different capitalization
-Recognizing Sigma 85mm F1.4 DG HSM Art as Sony FE 85mm F1.4 GM
-Migrating of Lr Adjustment brush is slightly different from previous releases
-Selecting a keyword from the add keyword dropdown list does not leave the field active like it does when manually typing one
-Old presets with multiple text blocks does not allow you to edit
-Not recognizing known lens on Sony a6400 (E 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 OSS)
-Missing Lens Profile on Nikon AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/4
-Not recognizing known Sigma lens (150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS APO HSM)
-Noisy images cause color bleed
-Navigator gets cut off when switching images from dual display
-Layers thumbnails do not match your image color
-Text appears to shift and shrink when zoomed in compare view
-Text alignment options are not sticky
-Haze is double applied to the cached image when doing a paste setting
-Thumbnails don't load in Import if the image has had any settings applied to it
-Pano fails to merge images if they aren't sorted manually
-Migration progress comes up on first launch
-Scaling at 125, 150 & 175 shows lines in Filters dialog
-Shift + I opens Portrait, should only be I
-Error message for disconnected cataloged folder is misleading/confusing
-Export fails when watermark size is set to 0
-Battery spelled wrong in tethered shooting popup
-Renaming a version on a shared (and currently viewed) storage location creates a new version
-A variety of Localization work that still needs to be done

ОС: Windows 10, Windows 8/ 8.1, Windows 7 - 64bit.


Скачать программу ON1 Photo RAW 2020 Beta (1,35 ГБ):

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