
Rainmeter 2.5 Build 1842 Final


Утилита для мониторинга ресурсов компьютера. Отображает график загрузки процессора, объём свободной и занятой памяти компьютера (оперативной, виртуальной и дисковой). Показывает сетевую информацию: IP-адрес, DNS-адрес, трафик, скорость использования канала отдельно по каждому из направлений. Также может загружать новостные ленты и прогноз погоды. Интерфейс программы легко вписывается в окружение рабочего стола.

Rainmeter может измерять/отображать:

  • CPU нагрузку
  • Выделенную память
  • Изменения в сети
  • Обмен данными
  • Аптаймы
  • Неиспользуемое дисковое пространство

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7 и 8.

Изменения в версии 2.5 Build 1842:

  • New FileView plugin. This powerful new plugin will index and gather information about all files and folders in a defined path. Information supported includes the path, name, size, type, date, and icon. Commands can be used to scroll through the index of files, move up and down in the folder tree, and select files for display or opening with the associated program.
  • Added new ClipString=2 setting and new ClipStringW / ClipStringH options. This will allow for more dynamic clipping and wrapping of a string while sizing the containing meter to accommodate the entire contents. Details are at Change Announcements.
  • Added new Mouse Actions to support the scroll wheel. Details are at Change Announcements.
  • Added new Mouse Variables. These are "macro" variables used in the context of a mouse click action to provide the current X and Y position of the mouse cursor relative to the meter or skin in pixels or a percentage. Details are at Change Announcements.
  • Added new OnUpdateAction command to Skins, Meters and Measures. This will allow an action to take place when the element is updated normally or by any bang.
  • Added new OnChangeAction command to Measures. This will allow an action to take place when the value of a measure changes.
  • Added new OnFocusAction and OnUnFocusAction options to the [Rainmeter] section of the skin, to execute actions when a skin gains or loses focus (by clicking it) in Windows.
  • Added "*" as a wildcard parameter to the !UpdateMeasure and !UpdateMeter bangs to immediately update all measures and meters.
  • Changed the behavior of the WebParser ProxyServer option to better handle how WebParser interacts with Internet Explorer for proxy management.


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aks85 24/03/13 Просмотров: 3577